Online home for members of the Body of Christ for the training and promotion of the Children of God as Ambassadors for Christ in the Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20).
Monday, April 29, 2013
Free Will, Sin, and God, in The Dispensation of Grace - Pastor David
New VIDEO Message on LionTUBE...Free Will, Sin, and God, in The Dispensation of Grace, . We here at the Lion and Lamb Ministry get asked this question quite frequently, so, here is the big question that divides many Christians: Does it lie within the power of the will of man to accept or reject The LORD Jesus Christ, as Savior and King? Read the message here:
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The LLM Question for 4-28-2013 - Pastor David
In Acts 7:54-58, the LORD Jesus Christ, is seen as the STANDING Son of man. Always make note, that He is NOT the Son of man to the Body of Christ, but in His Kingdom dealings with Israel, and it was the leaders of Israel that Stephen was addressing in Acts 7. So then we must observe that in Acts 7:54-58 Christ was NOT seated in the upper-heavenlies AS HE IS, and as is SEEN, in Ephesians 1:19-22
Now, with that said, here is the LLM Question for 4-28-2013: Stephen saw Christ standing in Heaven, Acts 7:55-56. Was Christ STANDING because He was ready to come back as The King then, at that moment, if the leaders of Israel repented and accepted Him? Yes or No? Respond at . Watch the video for this question here:
Now, with that said, here is the LLM Question for 4-28-2013: Stephen saw Christ standing in Heaven, Acts 7:55-56. Was Christ STANDING because He was ready to come back as The King then, at that moment, if the leaders of Israel repented and accepted Him? Yes or No? Respond at . Watch the video for this question here:
Friday, April 26, 2013
THIS IS THAT Which was Spoken, part 2 - Pastor David
Should the Child of God today preach what Peter and the Eleven preached to Israel on the day of Pentecost, or even what Peter preached EIGHT YEARS LATER to Cornelius? NO! Should the messenger of the Gospel of the Grace of God be preaching, with the approval of God...that is the key...Repent and be baptized FOR the remission of sins? NO! Should Christian Pastors, and Preachers, be preaching to individual Gentiles today what Peter preached to the Nation Israel in Acts 3:19-26? NO! Read this message here:
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
THIS IS THAT Which was Spoken, part 1 - Pastor David
New VIDEO Message on LionTUBE...Try the spirits whether they are of God, part 2, . So, let us then study the Book of Acts AS the...Book Between...Matthew, Mark, and Luke, on the one side, AND, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, on the other side.
Monday, April 22, 2013
The LLM Question for 4-23-2013 - Pastor David
The LLM Question for 4-23-2013 - Pastor David
Why is it that true messengers of the Gospel of the Grace of God turn to the messages of the Apostle Paul for the Gospel rather than go to Matthew, Mark and Luke? Well, here is why...It is because in those three Books we do NOT find the clear, unmixed Gospel of Grace, but rather Grace mixed with the Gospel of the Kingdom, which includes works.
It is of interest to note that there are about thirty five quotations from Scriptures of Israel in the Book of Matthew, and about twenty five quotations from the Scriptures of Israel in the Book of Acts. The Old Testament prophecies are quoted in both Matthew and Acts. Surely they were Kingdom messages, and not messages referring to the Body of Christ, which was The Mystery, not made known to the sons of men in other ages. Ephesians 3:5. Colossians 1:25-26. Ephesians 3:9.
In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, there was one baptism, baptism for Israel unto repentance for the remission of sins; that was water baptism, so that Christ might be made manifest unto Israel. John 1:31. However, in Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, where can be found the revelation given to the Apostle Paul BY the RISEN Christ, there is ONE baptism...and that baptism by which the believer is identified with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection and heavenly seat...IS NOT WATER!
With all of that is the LLM Question for 4-23-2013: Does the Sign-Gift program of the Book of Acts correspond with the Sign-Gift program of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, OR, with the Sign LESS message of Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians? Respond at . Watch the video for this question here:
Why is it that true messengers of the Gospel of the Grace of God turn to the messages of the Apostle Paul for the Gospel rather than go to Matthew, Mark and Luke? Well, here is why...It is because in those three Books we do NOT find the clear, unmixed Gospel of Grace, but rather Grace mixed with the Gospel of the Kingdom, which includes works.
It is of interest to note that there are about thirty five quotations from Scriptures of Israel in the Book of Matthew, and about twenty five quotations from the Scriptures of Israel in the Book of Acts. The Old Testament prophecies are quoted in both Matthew and Acts. Surely they were Kingdom messages, and not messages referring to the Body of Christ, which was The Mystery, not made known to the sons of men in other ages. Ephesians 3:5. Colossians 1:25-26. Ephesians 3:9.
In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, there was one baptism, baptism for Israel unto repentance for the remission of sins; that was water baptism, so that Christ might be made manifest unto Israel. John 1:31. However, in Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, where can be found the revelation given to the Apostle Paul BY the RISEN Christ, there is ONE baptism...and that baptism by which the believer is identified with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection and heavenly seat...IS NOT WATER!
With all of that is the LLM Question for 4-23-2013: Does the Sign-Gift program of the Book of Acts correspond with the Sign-Gift program of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, OR, with the Sign LESS message of Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians? Respond at . Watch the video for this question here:
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Try the spirits whether they are of God, part 2 - Pastor David
It is difficult to understand how any sane person can respect the Christ of Bible Christianity and claim to be His, and yet wholly ignore and disobey His plain teachings as to the absolute necessity of a definite Faith in His eternal Deity and His EXCLUSIVE redemptive work before the sinner begins to live. Note these words of the LORD Jesus Christ...I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins. For if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins. JOHN 8:24. Read this message in full here:
Thursday, April 18, 2013
The LLM Question for 4-19-2013 - Pastor David
Intelligent, spiritual students of the Word of God, who have sought diligently to know the Scriptures, have been unable to ignore and are compelled to note, that there are some differences between the program of the LORD during the Book of Acts period and His program for His Church, the Body of Christ, AFTER the Acts period, as stated in the Epistles which the Apostle Paul wrote AFTER the Book of Acts period closed; namely, 1 Timothy, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, Titus, and 2 Timothy.
THEN...there are more than three hundred different so called Christian denominations, each sustaining some religious program in the name of Christ. If each denomination claims to be a Bible church with a Biblical Christian program, either they are making false claims OR there are many different church programs in the Bible. And speaking of these denominations, it is difficult to understand how any sane person can say they respect the Christ of Bible Christianity and claim to be His, and yet wholly ignore and disobey His plain teachings as to the absolute necessity of the definite Faith in His eternal Deity and His EXCLUSIVE redemptive saving work before the sinner begins to live.
With all of that is the LLM Question for 4-19-2013: Members of the Body of Christ are ALONE the chosen people of God for this present Dispensation, the Dispensation of the Grace of God. True or False? Respond at . Watch the video for this question here:
THEN...there are more than three hundred different so called Christian denominations, each sustaining some religious program in the name of Christ. If each denomination claims to be a Bible church with a Biblical Christian program, either they are making false claims OR there are many different church programs in the Bible. And speaking of these denominations, it is difficult to understand how any sane person can say they respect the Christ of Bible Christianity and claim to be His, and yet wholly ignore and disobey His plain teachings as to the absolute necessity of the definite Faith in His eternal Deity and His EXCLUSIVE redemptive saving work before the sinner begins to live.
With all of that is the LLM Question for 4-19-2013: Members of the Body of Christ are ALONE the chosen people of God for this present Dispensation, the Dispensation of the Grace of God. True or False? Respond at . Watch the video for this question here:
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Try the spirits whether they are of God, part 1 - Pastor David
A company of religious people, united or organized for religious, worship, to carry on a religious program and propagate a religious message, may designate itself Christian, because the religious people of that organization have incorporated in their church creed some spiritual truth or moral philosophy selected from the Bible. But if the church creed of the organization includes, with its Christian ethics, some of the religious beliefs of non-Christian religions, and excludes some of the fundamental truths of Christianity, such as the eternal Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the saving efficacy of the shed Blood of Christ and need of the Faith in His sacrificial death and bodily resurrection, the Bible doctrine of Salvation by Grace through the power of the Holy Spirit and the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ, the mixed religion of that company of people is not Bible Christianity. It may be Christian agnosticism or Christian paganism. So look out! You can read this message at:
Saturday, April 13, 2013
The LLM Question for 4-14-2013 - Pastor David
It is the duty of every Christian to obey 1 John 4:1 . Let us read this verse very carefully...Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world...So, it comes as no surprise that many times we hear this question...Why is it that spiritual or religious men, who use the same Bible and claim to be led by the same Holy Spirit, give different interpretations to the same Bible doctrines? It can get confusing...don't let it Child of God!
And that brings us to the LLM Question for 4-14-2013: There are NO contradictions and inconsistencies in the Word of God, The Bible. True or False? Respond at Watch the video for this question here:
And that brings us to the LLM Question for 4-14-2013: There are NO contradictions and inconsistencies in the Word of God, The Bible. True or False? Respond at Watch the video for this question here:
Friday, April 12, 2013
These Days are NOT These Days, part 2...Approve Things that are Excellen...
The first part of Philippians 1:10 says...That Ye May Approve Things that are Excellent, however, the correct translation of the first command here is: test the things that differ. Every student of the Word of God knows that in the Word of God there are things which differ; but very few of these students seem to know very much about TESTING the things that differ. Things in the Word of God differ...because the dealings of God with different people in His Word...differed. Intelligent Bible study demands the recognition of the different dispensations in the Bible. Read the message here:
Thursday, April 11, 2013
The LLM Question for 4-12-2013 - Pastor David
The first part of Philippians 1:10 says, "That Ye May Approve Things that are Excellent", however, the correct translation of the first command here is, "test the things that differ". Every student of the Word of God knows that in the Word of God there are things which differ; but very few of these students seem to know very much about TESTING the things that differ. Things in God’s Word differ...because God’s dealings with different people in His Word differed. Intelligent Bible study demands the recognition of the different dispensations in the Bible.
LLM Question for 4-12-2013: Is the program of God for today one of Grace MIXED with signs and religion, OR, SIGN-LESS...of pure Grace and NO religion? Respond at . Watch the video for this question here:
LLM Question for 4-12-2013: Is the program of God for today one of Grace MIXED with signs and religion, OR, SIGN-LESS...of pure Grace and NO religion? Respond at . Watch the video for this question here:
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
These Days are NOT These Days, part 1 - Pastor David
Now, pay attention, THESE DAYS of Grace, THESE DAYS of the Body of Christ, are NOT THESE DAYS of Israel’s hope, foretold by Moses, Samuel, and others. THESE DAYS (of Grace) were foreordained BEFORE the foundation of the world, but NOT, again I say NOT, foretold by Israel’s prophets. To read this message go to
Saturday, April 6, 2013
The LLM Question for 4-7-2013 - Pastor David
It has become common knowledge that more than ninety-five per cent of church members permit church leaders to do their thinking for them, and that ninety-five per cent of their instructors have been so influenced by the traditions of church fathers and by denominational church creeds, that fewer than five per cent of either leaders or followers are willing, if able, to study the Bible with unbiased minds and with open and honest hearts. Let us ever bear in mind that no servant of Christ, has any NEW truth to present. Progressive revelation ceased with the close of The Book of Revelation more than 2000 years ago. Since that time, anything that is true is not new, and, anything that is new is not far as the inspired Word of God is concerned.
LLM Question for 4-7-2013: Men and women today are NOT led into truth by the Holy Spirit INDEPENDENT of the written Word of God. True or False? Respond at
LLM Question for 4-7-2013: Men and women today are NOT led into truth by the Holy Spirit INDEPENDENT of the written Word of God. True or False? Respond at
Friday, April 5, 2013
The Body of Christ Should NOT Pray This Prayer - Pastor David
Down through the centuries many sincere Children of God have spoken the prayer...Come, Lord Jesus; come quickly. But here at The Lion and Lamb Ministry, we have not joined them in this, and will not. Now, unless I be misunderstood, let me explain...
Monday, April 1, 2013
Be No Respecter of Persons...Acts 10:34, James 2:1 - Pastor David
Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons...Acts 10:34. My brethren, have not The Faith of our LORD Jesus Christ, the LORD of Glory, with respect of persons...James 2:1. Therefore, do not follow any man, or group of men, in the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Hear spiritual men of God and THEN search the Scriptures yourself.
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Holy Week Message, part 2: Jesus Knew ALL
. In part 1 of the Lion and Lamb Ministry Holy Week Messages , we learned that the LORD Jesus Christ is NOT divided, and that He is t...

. In part 1 of the Lion and Lamb Ministry Holy Week Messages , we learned that the LORD Jesus Christ is NOT divided, and that He is t...
. "On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of...
. There have been few dramas that can equal the story of the Exodus. Yet while most Christians are familiar with the events of Pass...